Monday, March 14, 2016

EDU 560: Georgetown College

I am very excited to get through my current class but also nervous! We have about 3 big assignments in the class and one is to present a Professional Development that is technology related. Let me just say that I feel butterflies when I think of presenting something to adults. I remember when I took a Communications Class in Undergrad and how nervous I would get when giving my speeches. I truly hope that I have grown out of that phase. There is no time like the present, to get better at something I wasn’t too good at.

I have been thinking about what I could give the PD on and I have several ideas. Maybe I could present on how to create Smart Board activities, ways to creatively present information to your students, or how to use a Learning Management System. I am super excited to get started and to learn new things! Hopefully that excitement will help with the public speaking, lol! 

Let me tell you, my Kinders are obsessed with our computers, the Smart Board, and the class IPADS. They cannot get enough of them! It would be super awesome if I could figure out how to incorporate the use of these items into our daily schedule even more! Hmm, the wheels are turning! Let me know if you have any suggestions on how I could do this or cool apps to download.
Until the next time that life has checked me!


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