Wednesday, July 13, 2016

It's a Good Day to take Care of You

This summer, I have taken a lot of time to do some self-care. I define self-care, as doing things that give attention to you, physically, emotionally, or mentally. I really had an emotion filled year and many of those emotions were very heavy.  Last year, I found myself being broken down because I did not take the time to build myself up. I was unhappy with the fact that I was overstaffed, placed in a school I was unfamiliar with, that I was dealing with several unsupportive people in my life.

I have decided that I did not like the way that I was dealing with life last year and I know for sure, that I do not want to go back to that place.  It was super unhealthy for me to fold into myself, to not talk about what I was going through, and to not take time to do things for me. Well, I’m over that and I realize that I need to take care of me first, in order to do for others.  I think as teachers, we often find ourselves just running on a motor and doing things that we know need to be done. It is very easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of dedicating ourselves to the success of our students, both academically and mentally. I cannot stress enough to you, the importance of taking care of you, so that you can be in tip top shape to change lives. Very cliché, I know but it still rings true. So, enjoy yourselves over this break. Do something that you have never done or just do something that you know will bring you joy.

I am hoping to return to school refreshed and ready to learn the ropes of 4th grade. I am very excited to be branching out into new territory and I have definitely been pinning my life away on Pinterest. I have found many great ideas to implement in my new classroom and cannot wait to share my 4th grade stories with you.

I am still in Grad school and after my summer classes; I will only have 4 more to go. The end is near but the work is not done, lol. The classes are definitely helping me improve my time management skills because I have surely been on the struggle bus with that!

I literally have 2 weeks of summer left before Ms. Smith the teacher returns and I am making sure that I cram as much fun as I can into my schedule. This includes more Netflix binges of Greys Anatomy, a Maxwell Concert, a trip to Gatlinburg, a new haircut and lots of time with family and friends.

Here’s to new possibilities, adventures, learning curves, and being filled with joy because that it what we deserve!
Until the next time that life has checked me.