Friday, July 7, 2017

4th Grade at Maupin

Hey Loves! I'm back and amped to share some of my favorite moments from this school year. I so wish, I could have shared these events as they happened but ya know, life was happening. I promise to do better this school year because I will not have Graduate School to worry about. This year was amazing! I returned to Maupin as a 4th Grade teacher and I think that I slayed it! I mean not to brag but I totally conquered this school year. I was #TheBestTeacherEver! In all honestly, I believe that I grew as a teacher tremendously this year, so I am like super pumped to start this school year because….. I’m moving on up to 5th grade! I’m looping with my kids and I’m so excited to see how much my kids grow in our last year together. I am predicting that I’ll be a hot mess on 5th grade promotion day (insert ugly cry.)

Here's some of my favorite moments from this year, enjoy!
I started this year with the best bulletin board ever! Everybody loved it and I even had to convince my kids that I drew the pictures. How ever will I top this board next year? 

This was a year of stepping out of my comfort zone, I have never spent so much time outdoors and dare I say it, I loved most of it. This is a picture from our 4th grade canoeing trip, in which I was terrified to attend. Mainly because I have a fear of large bodies of water and I can not swim. That is changing though because I have signed up for swimming lessons, yay me! Not so good for the instructor because I am pretty sure I will be a horrible student,lol. I would say the best part of this trip was getting it over with but I am pretty sure my students would say it was when I fell in the mud, lol. 

The next adventure was an over night camping trip with all 3 fourth grade classes. I survived a gazillion hikes, including a night hike, in which I was not a fan. Im not too sure how anyone thinks walking through the forest at night without lights is fun! Talk about an adventure and being on edge. I am also not a fan of raccoons and I was so scared that one would come into our zipperless tent for a midnight party. Yes, I found the biggest stick I could and slept with it,lol. Yes, I slept with the lantern on all night,and yes I had to be the adult and sleep by the entrance. The things I do for these kids, I'm the real MVP. 

I am so that teacher that loves any reason to dress up and Halloween is my 2nd favorite Holiday. This year I was Love a Lot bear, the kids loved it. I made the costume using foam and a hot glue gun. 

Mrs.Day was the brightest part of my day, every day. She is seriously the best! She is the 4th Grade instructional assistant and has been nothing but awesome since day 1. She loves Winnie the Pooh, so I had to paint this adorable box for her. 

When your kids faces light up when they see you in the bleachers. Best moment ever!

When your fourth graders dish out dating advice, lol. He does not know it but he will be giving his girl flowers or the sass mouthing will be a lot worse.

Explaining to my students that the $2 bill really does exist and that they could actually spend them was an interesting conversation.Happy Holidays kiddos! This is also the day that I found out, I was the best teacher ever, who knew?

That moment when you're randomly searching for things on Ebay and you find a bracelet that connects two things that you absolutely love. Love times infinity! 

When one child is not feeling well so you sit down and let them cry on your shoulder. Then everyone comes to lay on Ms.Smith because and I quote"You're so comfortable and you're our personal pillow." 

I can't forget the random marriage proposal from one of my students. I believe that is a candlabra and not a pitchfork,lol. 

Maupin's 1st Derby Gala was the most perfect night of 4th grade year. The kids looked so adorable in their dress clothes and they all had a really nice time. When a kid tells you that you look beautiful,how could you not feel fabulous? Its also nice to be appreciated, peep the card:)

Each year I pick one student that has been an outstanding leader and I paint them a personal box filled with goodies. This year I chose two students and nothing was better than seeing their reactions. Being a teacher has its perks;)

Then there was this, when I completed Grad school with a 4.0GPA and strutted across the lawn to get my diploma. I'm extra, so what! Throughout the school year I constantly used myself as an example because there were so many times when I just did not feel like doing my school work. When my Principal announced that I graduated my students gave me a standing ovation, clapped, and cheered for me. Best moment ever, no really! Also my class comedian couldnt let the opportunity go by without saying "I thought you was lying about being in school, just so you could get me to do my homework." Yeah that was totally the case kid;) 

Until the next time life has checked me.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Data First Round

The first rounds of data taken included the initial reading survey results and the initial DRA survey results. Next, I will be compiling the Moby Max Pre-Test results, stay tuned..

Week 3: Data Collecting

Week 3

At this point in my research, I decided to continue to move forward with collecting data with the 11 participants that returned all of their forms signed and ready to participate. I had hoped that more of my students would be able to participate so that I could have a larger number of participants to compare data with.

It was also difficult to make sure that the students were taking this assignment seriously and using the computer time to actively participate on Moby Max for the 20 minutes each day. There were constant reminders being given to stay on task during this time of our school day.

During this week, I was still collecting data and planned to wrap up my data collection the following week, to have a total of three full weeks’ worth of data. 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

EDU 626 Research Study Journal

Hey readers! I am currently in my last course for my Master’s program. I’ve been so busy with school, work, and just life in general to stop and enjoy writing about my teaching adventures.  I will be making a few updates as my class goes along and sharing my research study findings and reflections with you.

My research study will focus on trying to find a connection between reading comprehension improvement through the use of a web based reading program. My official research question is as follows:

Will a web based reading intervention in conjunction with regular reading instruction, help students who are at least one level behind in reading, improve their reading comprehension skills?

Reading has always held a special place in my heart and I hope that my research study gives me some answers on how to better utilize my professional resources to help my students.

Week 1:
During the first week, I sent home the Letters of Assent and Parent Letters to let my families know about my project. This is essential because I must have permission from both the students and guardians before I start my research. I sent these forms home on a Monday and by Friday, I had minimal responses. So the following Monday, I sent the forms home again but I took the time to really explain to my students why I was doing this. I told them how; I have always had a passion for reading and that I felt as if they did not like reading. This led to a classroom discussion on why reading was important. By Wednesday, of that week I, more papers were returned. I would like to note that, I am choosing to use Moby Max data because it is something that my school is already using. So if any of my families decide they do not want to participate in my study, their data will not be included but the students will still use Moby Max, as it is still an intervention that I am using for my class. 

Student Motivation Survey that I am using.

During this first week, the students took there pre- assessment reading level test on Moby Max, which is the web based reading program that my study focuses on.  I will begin putting that data together and will share that when I have received most of my permissions from students and parents. My students also took a student survey to help determine how much motivation they have to read which is pictured above.

Moby Max is the web based reading program, I will be using. 

Week 2
The goal is to have my students do Moby Max for at least 20 minutes a day. This week during school we had a lot of interruptions with testing and a couple of school programs. I had to double up Moby Max time on a few days, to make sure that I met the number of minutes that I needed for the week. I am noting that I may have to do this several times throughout my study, as the testing at my school will continue for the next few weeks.

I am hoping that this study will improve my student’s reading comprehension and in return, will help better prepare them for our state testing in May. I look forward to sharing my findings with you and getting back to sharing my teaching adventures as well.
Until the next the next time that life has checked me.
