Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Data First Round

The first rounds of data taken included the initial reading survey results and the initial DRA survey results. Next, I will be compiling the Moby Max Pre-Test results, stay tuned..

Week 3: Data Collecting

Week 3

At this point in my research, I decided to continue to move forward with collecting data with the 11 participants that returned all of their forms signed and ready to participate. I had hoped that more of my students would be able to participate so that I could have a larger number of participants to compare data with.

It was also difficult to make sure that the students were taking this assignment seriously and using the computer time to actively participate on Moby Max for the 20 minutes each day. There were constant reminders being given to stay on task during this time of our school day.

During this week, I was still collecting data and planned to wrap up my data collection the following week, to have a total of three full weeks’ worth of data.