Saturday, October 13, 2012

Getting Feedback and Making a Plan


Today I received feedback on one of my interviews. I was told that I need more experience with teaching and that I was not energetic enough, meaning that I didn’t persuade them that I was passionate about teaching. I understand the experience part because well it just makes sense. The school year has been well underway for several weeks and I understand the risk in hiring a first year teacher without much time to prepare. I will say that I was caught off guard by the not energetic part....blank stare. Throughout that particular interview we laughed, I smiled, and I asked questions, and I felt that I was showing confidence, you know letting my passion speak for itself. I got the game all wrong! Still feeling some type of way about it and am still convincing myself that it is constructive criticism. I am guessing that this awkward thing is bringing me down more than I thought. Bummer....

Should I fake it until I make it? Does being a little reserved mean that you lack passion? Does not being energetic in an interview mean that you lack passion for the job? How energetic, perky, extra do you need to be in an interview if you are an introvert? Does introvert mean boring or just not the mold that many people think teachers should fit? How can I do better?These are serious inquires, lol! As the true lover of learning that I am, I am now on a quest to find the perfect mix in creating a sociable introvert. I think that I already am a sociable introvert but maybe I need to be a little louder, so other people can get it.

I really believe that maybe I am being too serious and thinking too much during these interviews. I should work on being less nervous but I really can’t control it. I get the same way when I am taking a test no matter the subject! I just want this so bad that I just concentrate on saying the right things and maybe that is my downfall?

But I digress, I'm done with that because I could go on and on about, how I don’t understand. I don’t like rattling off a bunch of excuses; instead I will press on and make this situation work for me. I applied for a part time position at my alma maters early learning center. Hopefully, I can work there part time and sub part time and continue to work my way to my own classroom. One thing is for sure, I am out growing my current position and becoming complacent and that's not good, so subbing should get me going. Another thing that I am certain of, is that the school that gets me is getting a mutli talented gem and I promise that school will always have my loyalty because they took a chance on little ol me!

I know this post has been all over the place but I am enjoying the ability to vent in my own little awkward way.

3 A Day Rant:

I did some cleaning today and sweated out some tension! You don’t realize how much your keeping pent up inside you until you’re given the opportunity to let it all out. 

I had the free time to do some sketching today. Oh how I love being an artist and being creative!

I am staying positive! Only good can come out of thinking positive and having a plan of action. 

Bonus: Yesterday, I went to see Pitch Perfect! I loved it for the most part; it was boring in some parts but had uber funny moments. Is that an oxymoron? Welp....
I was also asked if I was older than 17! I just turned 25, so its nice to know I still look young, it may come in handy when I am older, older like 60 or something, IDK.

Until the next time life has checked me.


  1. Feedback is always a good thing! Now u have insight for ur next interview!! GOOD Luck!! And I wanna win this giveaway! lol

  2. Lol, I have you down! Good luck, this drawing is going to be good, several people have entered.

  3. This is my fav blog. I went to school for education and I understand what you are going thru.

    1. It is most definitely a unique struggle and thank you so much for tuning in.
