Monday, November 26, 2012

First Day Jitters

Today was my first day at the ELC and I must say that I had the first day jitters for no reason. So far everything has been great! I am in a good room with awesome teachers, who I have already started learning from. I am so excited for the new journey and the new kids that I have already started falling in love with. I am very thankful and Blessed to say that I am finally moving forward from the JCPS disappointment. I am a little tired but I think it’s because I am getting sick, so hopefully, I can give you guys a full report by the end of the week. I will say, that I will have a hard time adjusting to all the breaks that I get:)

3 A Day Rant

1) I am Blessed and happy to say that, I am a big girl now. I have a full time job, my own place, my own car, and a social calendar. Maybe a husband is next? I know I don’t want too much on my plate, lol. 

2) I just feel really happy right now and there is no way that I can describe it fully. I know that life is all about the ups and downs but I am just going to ride the hell out of this “up” moment.

3) Sunday was my mother’s birthday and I am glad that I got to spend some time with her because she works the night shift now and I have to wait until the weekends to see her:( I am such a mama’s girl but who could blame me? 

Until the next time life has checked me.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Give A Way Winner: Sunny!

The new winner of my Give a Way is Sunny from Musings of a Louisville Slugger! I will give you one week to claim your prize, so come on down! Lol! I will contact you through email and congratulations!

A Detour to Destiny

In my last post, I told you that I had some exciting news to share, are you ready? I have been Blessed with a new job as an Assistant Facilitator at The University of Louisville’s Early Learning Campus. I am excited to start this new journey and for the new opportunities that will be coming my way. This will be my first full time job, go me! #ThisIsCauseForCelebration #Victory

After a lot of consideration, I have decided not to pursue JCPS again until I gain my Masters.  After this sabbatical if I may call it that, I will have gained a deeper understanding in my calling to become an educator. Thankfully now that I work for U of L, I can receive 6 free college credits a semester, Thank you God Almighty! Coming to this decision has not been easy because I still would love my own classroom but I must understand that God has placed me on this path for a reason. I like to call this my detour to my destiny. Am I nervous, yes! How can I not be? But I am not worried because I have come to the complete understanding of what it means to have faith. God says that all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed to make it do, what it do baby! Well, he didn’t say it exactly like that but you get my point, right? 

Also in a recent turn of events, the sub center finally contacted me, to let me know that I was on the payroll. Just a little too late. I am very sad to see that I wasted $25 on a background check, #TheStruggle is real, you guys! Let me take a moment to rejoice over these new benefits, yas! A regular yes just wouldn’t do, I had to get fancy.   

Yes, Gawd!

Before I end with my 3 a Day Rant, I just want to say thank you for the support of my blog and for riding along with me on this professional quest. I am certain that I will have many tales to share in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned.

3 A Day Rant:

Today is my last day at my current job; I am sad and excited to leave, all at the same time. I have been explaining to my kids all week that I will be leaving. I don’t know if they do not comprehend, don’t want to face the facts, or just don’t care. As I laid them down for their nap, I stated that if I wasn’t here when they woke up, good bye.  To my astonishment one, said something that stopped me in my tracks.

Me: If I am not here when you wake up, goodbye. I promise, I will come back and visit.
Girl: Where are you going?
Me: I have to leave; I am going to teach at a Pre School.
Girl: But, you can’t leave, you’re my best friend, I need you.

OMG, I’m such a sucker, I don’t like crying but they came. In my excitement about my new job, it hasn’t hit me that I am leaving my babies! Some who have been here, since the day care first opened. I have watched them grow and learn so many things. I am very appreciative that I have had this privilege. It just warms my heart to know that I have had an impact on their lives. These last few months here, have been frustrating, I didn’t think that they were listening to me or appreciated me but they do. #Tear

2 and 3, I am glad to say that I have chosen the right profession. In all honesty, teaching is a calling, so it chose me. I am here to say that my hunger, to serve in this life as an educator and an advocate for learning will always remain.

Until the next time life has check me.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hey, I have some very exciting news to share next week:) Also regarding the give a way, I will be drawing another name this weekend. I have been pretty busy this week with family, work, and painting some orders. I am curious to see what the winner of the give a way will request. Please forgive me for my lack of posting as well, I shall return full time next week.

3 A Day Rant:

1) I am thankful that I was creatively Blessed. I can see the beauty in almost anything. Cue to the quote, "The Creative Adult, is the child that survived."

2) At my churchs revival, I learned that if I am still here, God has a purpose for me. 

3) This weekend Louisville will be painted Blue, the Zetas are in town. I am looking forward to spending some time with my Sorority Sisters:)

Until the next time that life has checked me.

P.S Its a beautiful day, take advantage of this unusually warm fall day. Fall is the best season and thats the God honest truth.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Madness

Today is Election Day, so please remember to vote! I am an avid believer that we all need to practice this constitutional right! As an African American woman, I know the risks that both African Americans and women took to make sure that I could go to the polls today. What a slap in the face it would be to their legacy if I refused to get up and vote today. This is such a critical election, so I beg you, to please make sure you vote. Remember we can’t complain if we did nothing to help make a change. Whether you believe your vote is big or small, it makes a DIFFERENCE!

That ends my spiel about the importance of voting:) I am still waiting on the sub center to call as well. Today was a good day only because I am so excited that I got to vote. My workday was an hour shorter than usual, so that I could go vote but the kids were showing no mercy today. Hard days like this make me sad because I would rather be working in a school but I’m not. I know it’s not about the money but living from paycheck to paycheck is really hard. If I could turn back the hands of time to this time last year, I would make sure that I was better prepared. I would have paid for 2 Praxis test instead of 3 and taken the GRE when I had the money. Too bad there is no use for shoulda, coulda, wouldas! I won’t admit defeat and I am praying that I come across some better opportunities. I am thanking God for the possibilities that lie ahead of me.
3 A Day Rant

1)      I voted! Are you tired of hearing me say this? Please say no:) Go vote!!!

2)      I get to spend some time with family today.

3)      I started looking up graduate programs. I looked at U of L today and have bookmarked the technology program to become a computer instructor, a Reading Specialist, or an Autism Specialist. Bellermine is next. 

Someone asked if I was interested in teaching in Indiana, I am but only as a last resort because I took a scholarship that turns into a loan if I don’t teach in Kentucky for four years. I don’t want to pay that 20, 000 dollars back with my money unless I have to. I am claiming that I will receive a job for next semester or next fall:)

Until the next time life has checked me.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Life is a Mixture of What You Make It

Good Afternoon to all of my readers! Today, I just feel good and I 
wanted to share my happiness with you. Days like this do not happen all of the time and I am going to cherish the fact that I am feeling truly splendiferous today. That’s a real word; I promise I did not make it up. I also wanted to share that I received quite a few Blessings over the weekend from my Sorority Sisters because of the dedication and willingness to work that I have shown thus far. I promise you I am holding in tears, as I have realized two very important things this past Saturday. Number one: If you complete and care deeply for everything that you attach your name to, you're hard work will be noticed. If you take on every task that you are given like you have something to prove and others will take notice. I believe Martin Luther King Jr. stated it best in the quote below.

 "If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well."

 Number 2: I am here to say that everyone that is in your life is there for a reason. Yes, Gawd!! I love everyone in my life, even if they have only crossed my path to teach me a lesson. I just pray that I am smart enough to catch those lessons as they come.  I believe that Tyler Perry spoke on it, saying that the people that are in your life are placed there for a reason, to be a blessing or a lesson. Take heed, my friend.

As an educator I love the process of learning and encourage everyone to learn something new every day. I rejoice in the fact that I can learn from everything that I am going through. This has become an essential part of my journey to my own classroom. I just hope that my struggle may encourage someone else through theirs. Lastly, I am still waiting on JCPS to give me the ok to sub; tomorrow will be the end of week two, so hopefully I will hear something soon. I am as they say, keeping the faith and fighting a good fight. 

3 A Day Rant
1) Last night, I had the pleasure of watching the Black Girls Rock Award Show. I was in return so inspired by the amazing women and young ladies that I saw last night. I hope that I am on my way to making an impact in this world through my love for education. As Ms. Janelle Monae stated, "There is still work to be done!" I also love this quote from her, "Perfection is the enemy of Greatness." Yes ma'am, she just better teach!!!

2) I am Blessed. I can’t say this enough. 

3) My friend introduced me to this amazing motivational speaker on YouTube, this weekend. No words for how this woman’s words have gotten my thinking gears rolling. Learn more HERE:)

Until the next time that life has checked me.
 P.S. I thought I would share this story about my kiddies. Kid:"Ms.Tia my brain hurts!!!" Me: "Fabulous, that means its working!!" If looks could kill, I wouldn't be here right now! The kiddos will thank me for all this work and thinking that we do, when they get to kindergarten:D