Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wake Up, Duty Calls

Hola Amigos! When this week ends I will have completed, one full month of teaching. It’s going by so fast and I am learning so much. I admit, I did have a mini breakdown yesterday. It was just one of those outrageous crazy days. The kids were constantly fighting, tattling, running, etc. You name it and they were doing it. The fighting is the biggest problem which shocks me because I have Pre Kinders, 14 boys and 6 girls. Too much testosterone, lol. I literally had to make my graduation photo my lock screen on my phone, to make it through the day. Maybe I was being dramatic but it helped me, make it to nap time because I was on the verge of tears. 

Then when I got home and had me a nice and cold Pepsi, I started to put some things into perspective. It started when I watched a Facebook video about a woman’s life journey and how she had overcome it to become a business woman and survivor. Even though I was already bummed that I was feeling upset because I never want God to think that I am ungrateful. The video and the amazing song accompanying it, made me feel so little, to feel so defeated by a bad day. Yes, I got it together real quick! Enjoy her story below.

Today was a better day and I even got through the difficult behavior in one piece. My remedy for the bad behavior, finding something to laugh about and dare I say it, enjoying a piece of chocolate. Today I asked my friends for advice and help. So I pose the same question to you, do you have any suggestions on how I can get my behavior under control? The kids are Pre Kinders and between the ages of 3 and 5.

Some of the other staff keep sliding in that maybe I should try to go to Kindergarten next year or transfer. I think not and I refuse to let this kill my vibe. I have heard good and bad things about my school but I don’t care because I am there to make a difference. God specifically chose me to go through this test and I won’t wimp out. To give you some background on my school, it is very urban. I will let you decide what you think I mean by that. It’s in the area where I grew up, the west end and I know the good that I do by being a caring and dedicated teacher to these kids. It will pay off, Glory!

3 A Day Positive Rant
  • I still get tickled when I hear the kids call me Ms. Smith.
  • I am Blessed! Oh yes, I could be at a low end job not doing what I love but instead I am doing what I love and making some money while doing it. 
  • I LOVE owls and my V- Day bulletin board is going to be full of Owls:) Excited, I am!!
Until the next time that life has checked me.
Meet our new class pet, Po! The kids voted and Po won! I am excited because Po was my suggestion, lol.

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