Saturday, July 6, 2013

Summer Loving

Hi. I have been enjoying my summer vacation so much and I am astonished that August is just one month away. I am so nervous and excited about starting this new phase in my teaching career. I still have my moments where I just get so overwhelmed with happiness. After going through so much stuff to make it into my own classroom, I am just so grateful that I get to do what I love from start to finish.

I am going to see Beyoncé in concert next week and I am “stanning” for real! It’s so exciting and a little amusing at how much anticipation I have for this concert. I’m just ready to have fun, sing, and dance with King Bey hunny! BUT, after the concert, it’s time to buckle down and start preparing myself for my first class of Kinders!!

As I decide on decor ideas and first week of school activities, I hope that you join me for the ride. It is my goal to have my new computer by the end of September. I went to the Mac store and tried out a MacBook but I just couldn’t fall in love. This may change because I will be going back to check them out again. Until then, I will still be blogging when I can. I really would like to invest more of my time and thoughts into my blog. 

My professional career just keeps getting better and so are the things in my personal life. I will be moving into a new apartment in September and I am so excited to finally not have to share a space with someone else. I may not like the circumstances around the reason that I have to move but as always, I am staying positive and very happy that I have found a new place that I love. 

So in a nutshell, I will have a new classroom, a new apartment, a new laptop, and hopefully a new car. Those are my superficial and materialistic wants and needs, as of now. On the more human side, I am aspiring to keep going strong on my weight loss journey and to become a better Christian woman. I’m dedicating this year to improving Shatia and getting healthy both mentally and physically. What are your goals for the rest of the year? “It cost nothing to dream but everything not to.”  Let’s get to work!

Thank you so much for listening to my rants and raves about being a teacher. Until the next time that life has checked me.

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