Friday, December 21, 2012

Well.....It Finally Happened

Remember that big opportunity that I talked about in my last post? Well that opportunity was an interview with The Early Childhood department of Jefferson County Public Schools! That was the interview that landed me in my own classroom, thus putting on the start of a new journey and completing my struggle to gaining my own classroom. I am still in shock, excited, and scared all at once!

The interview was Tuesday and I woke up feeling horrible, go figure. My voice was gone, I was coughing horribly, and I tossed and turned form nervousness all night. I took a steamy shower and drank some hot coffee to help my throat and voice. I arrived at the interview sight early, as I always do. As I sat in the waiting chairs, I said a silent prayer to ease my nerves and to ask God to direct me as I went through this interview. Several people passed me with Hellos and well wishes, including a lady who asked was I ok, when I was doing my prayer. When I replied that I was praying, I saw the approval in her eyes, lol.

The first part of the interview was a written portion. I was given twenty minutes to answer the question; I think it took me about 8 minutes to complete my answer. I was so sure in my response and as with every other test I have taken, I knew that I had done my best. In actually, I think this written portion gave me a chance to calm my nerves a little more, seeing as I am a horrible interviewer and test taker.

After the written portion, I waited and waited to start the interview. I was interviewed by 9 or 10 individuals, it all seems so foggy now, lol. I answered all of the questions truthfully and took deep breaths before going on. I did the same thing that I have done at all of my other interviews but I said several times, how I know this is what I want to do with my life. Jesus, IDK if I sounded convincing but I was speaking from the heart.

After the interview, I went home and I almost had a panic attack! My mind was racing, my heart was racing, and I was just a total mess. I had to call my Mother to help me calm down.  I don’t know if I knew that this time was it or what but I will never forget that feeling of anxiety! The next morning, I was on my way to work, with the music blasting because that just what I do. I promise you; out of the blue I said to myself, I need to check my phone. So at a stop light, I reach over to dig through my purse for my phone and I see that my Granny had just called. It was kind of eerie, especially since my phone was on silent, and not where I could feel that it was vibrating. My first thought was panic because my Granny wouldn’t call me this early unless it was urgent. So I call and she says that JCPS just called and gives me the number. With my heart pounding, I make this call. The lady that I am asking for is in a meeting but the lady that answered the phone reveals that she was going to offer me a job and did I accept! I probably yelled YES but all I know for sure is that a yes left my mouth. She took down my cell phone number and said that she would call back with the appointment to sign my contract. I am not crier, I never cry unless I am deeply moved or spirited but I confess that I bawled like a baby in my car. I had to pull over and give myself a moment.

I only told certain people about this at first because I never received her call back that day. I waited until the next day to call and hear that I got the job a second time, lol. I think it was pure shock that all my hard work has finally paid off. When I think about this journey, I realize that I have learned a great deal about myself and I have proven that I am a fighter. Yes, I have had my doubts and my worries but the one thing that I have held onto is my faith and hope that something would happen. Once, I realized that I truly would not know when it would happen and left it completely in God’s hands, he showed me who was boss. Thank you so much to my readers and supporters for listening to me and giving me the opportunity to reflect. I am still going to keep this blog up because I will always be the Awkward Teacher.

3 A Day Positive Rant:

1) I have a paid professional teaching job. God is so awesome.

2) I received a deferment on that $20, 000 loan, who I can now contact and tell them that I have obtained a teaching position. To God be the glory, now I can work that loan off by doing what I love. 

3) A new adventure awaits me, as an official Early Childhood Teacher. I have my own students to love on, nurture, and teach now. The struggle has only made me appreciate this moment so much more.

There is so much more Awkwardness to share!

Until the next time life has checked me.


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